Which of the following areas above are you lacking? You guys, when my Type-A perfectionist personality learned this formula, this approach I guess you could call it - I never lacked motivation again. Yeah, I still go through times where my motivation is low, but with this approach it has helped me to stay consistent no matter what my motivation levels are. ⠀
Step 1️⃣: Understand your WHY. In what ways will your life be different if you lose those 20lbs, beat binge eating, have a healthier body composition, finally having that all around healthy lifestyle that you crave and find your balance? Knowing your why provides reinforcement and encouragement on the days when you're just not feeling it.⠀
Step 2️⃣ and 3️⃣: Have systems in place that make it hard for you to fail. I believe with all of my being in coaching, accountability, mentorship, leadership etc. It changed my life! It provides me and (my clients) the support and accountability needed to develop mentally, emotionally and physically.⠀
Step 4️⃣: Have women in your circle who are headed to the same mountain top your aspiring to get to. The company you keep plays such a HUGE role in where you end up.
Step 5️⃣: Reinforce, reflect on, and focus on your goal daily. I meditate every single morning and it looks simply like this --> I close my eyes and imagine myself achieving the goals I have set out to achieve, I feel the emotions as if the goal has already been met, I visualize the accomplishment before it's ever happened.
Step 6️⃣: I never wait to feel motivation to act. I know that MOTIVATION is the gift that is waiting for me on the other side of taking ACTION.
If you wait to feel motivated to act, you'll never fulfill the potential inside you.